COMPRION launches its first LTE Test (U)SIM in the Mini-UICC format

As mobile devices get more and more complex, the components used become smaller and smaller. With the launch of the new LTE Test (U)SIM supporting the 3FF format, also known as Micro-SIM or Mini-UICC, COMPRION is responding to this trend. The LTE Test (U)SIM in the Mini-UICC format is only half the size of a regular Plug-In card and can be used in very small mobile devices. Just like COMPRION’s first released LTE Test (U)SIM, this new 128K/J LTE Test (U)SIM includes all new LTE data fields up to Release 9. The card has three applications implemented: a Test SIM; a Test USIM; and a Test ISIM. The Test (U)SIM also supports the three voltage classes 1.8V, 3V and 5V. Standardised commands such as “Resize” (for extending the size of a data field) and “Create” (for creating new data fields) are supported. The Test Card’s flexibility and feature range enable the user to comprehensively examine the functionality of an LTE mobile device without having access to a live LTE network. To ensure backwards compatibility to the Plug-In format, COMPRION also offers a Mini-UICC Adapter to turn the Mini-UICC into the Plug-In format. Hence, the Mini- UICC can also be used in today’s mobile phones. 

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