This means positive news for the Minister of Economy, Vincent Van Quickenborne. He has been pushing for the introduction of the electronic lunch voucher in Belgium for a while now, and not without reason. On a yearly basis, 250 million paper-based lunch vouchers are in circulation in the country. This represents 20 tons of paper, a lot of administrative work, and processing costs of over 25 millions euro. E-kena, E-ve’s new electronic lunch voucher, meets all requirements expected from modern payment solutions: it is fast, easy to use and more cost efficient. Besides the inherent advantages of an electronic solution, E-kena has yet a number of added values. With PayFair it benefits from a strong technical partner which guarantees efficient processing, at lower costs, and with increased convenience for the consumer. For example, the settlement of payments to merchants is maximum 2 days, while the timeframe for paper-based lunch vouchers today is, on average, up to a few weeks.