Smart Biometrics for Trust and Convenience Eurosmart has launched a Task Force with the objective to present an overview of Biometric technology state of the art and express recommendations on technical choices when Biometrics is combined with Smart card technology. The aim is also to highlight the most promising use cases which deployment should be pushed. “The first identified use cases reflect the true innovative dimension of Biometrics: there are of course already well-known applications in border control and identity management, but also the emergence of biometrics for instance for payment and cash withdraw, children protection as well as eCommerce”, said Marc Bertin. Eurosmart White paper on Biometrics expected in December this year will present the state of the art of biometrics technology and analyze most innovative uses cases (status, benefits, RoI, etc.). From Machine to Machine to the Internet of Things: Secure the communicating objects’ environment Our digitalized society is entering a new era where objects are talking to objects. In this new environment, security, privacy and data protection are reaching a new dimension. The Internet of Things has a huge potential with trillion of machines potentially able to communicate through IP identifier. “Eurosmart’s commitment as the “Voice of the Smart Security Industry” is to anticipate on new security challenges and promote our technologies”, underlined Marc Bertin. In the Smart Machine to Machine eco-system, software counter-measures are not sufficient to ensure strong authentication in case of emergency call after a road accident for instance. Secure elements embedded into modules can provide a proper level of security adapted to economical and technological contexts modules.  

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