In the last years, smart cities have become a frame of reference ensuring consistency between all the modalities linking people to their wider communities and public authorities. New technologies are being used to provide housing, transportation and energy in a more sustainable way than today.

The mass adoption of internet, smart devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets, computers) and their mobile applications, NFC (Near Field Communication) and contactless payments, among other emerging technologies, are enabling all services to be redefined. Moreover, the increasing use of big data allows the governments and businesses to rethink their systems more efficiently.

There are more than 250 cities testing smart city projects throughout the world. The Smart Insights White Paper presents smart cities projects being developed in Barcelona, New York, London, Nice and Singapore, which were ranked the top smart cities of 2015, following an analysis of each city’s ‘smart’ capabilities, with particular focus on their use of smart grids, smart traffic management and smart street lighting, alongside aspects such as technological capability and social cohesion, among others.

All of this, and a lot more, is described in Smart Insights White Paper “Smarter cities for a smarter future”. The White Paper can be downloaded free of charge here.



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