Japan is one of the early adopters of IoT, with more than 624 million IoT devices currently deployed across the country. Popular IoT services include vending machines, transportation management, and surveillance. With IoT applications expected to multiply driven by local smart cities like Kashiwa-No-Ha, significantly more connections will be added in the future. In the local power and utilities industry alone, 80 million smart meters are to be installed in all Japanese households by 2025, according to the Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry.

„Based on our past collaborations and long relationship, DNP and Gemalto sets to build a new market together, reinforcing the trust and expertise to grow our IoT business which safeguards our clients‘ privacy and sensitive data“, said Kunimitsu Sato, Deputy General Manager of Communication & Information Center, Information Innovation Operations of DNP. „This is important as more government agencies, financial institutions, and automotive manufacturers are demanding strong authentication“.

„As cybercriminals become increasingly sophisticated and organized, IoT security is now a growing concern. DNP and Gemalto are working together to counter these threats“, said Michael Au, President, South Asia & Japan at Gemalto. „We offer a comprehensive and secure IoT solution portfolio, which has received awards like IoT Evolution Product of the Year.“


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