Standardisation has a power to significantly contribute to the acceleration of innovation, by ensuring the promotion of the best standards application practices and definition of the security requirements in a coherent and consistent way, which is relevant to the interdependence across the ICT value chain. Standardisation is paramount in the field of cyber security, and especially after the European Union Cybersecurity Act was adopted, establishing a certification framework. Standards could be a key instrument to support and ease certification.

“There are still many questions to answer regarding the effective and efficient implementation of the Cybersecurity Act. With its activities, ECSO works to address the remaining challenges by bridging the gap between the research and innovation activities and the market needs, which is essential if we want to have a strong European cyber security ecosystem. Therefore, the ECSO–ETSI MoU is an important step towards establishing a common approach to the identification of the European industry’s needs for the development of widely applicable cyber security standards, as well as stimulating the innovation,” – saidLuigi Rebuffi, Secretary General of ECSO.

Luis Jorge Romero, Director General of ETSI, added that “Cyber security is of the essence to the development of the digital economy, both from a policy and industry perspective as well as for the end users. This MoU strengthens the collaboration between ETSI and ECSO on those subjects and promotes ECSO‘s involvement in ETSI’s standardisation work on cyber security“.

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