Research Institute CEA-Leti Joins GlobalPlatform

As a GlobalPlatform member, CEA-Leti is able to participate in the GlobalPlatform Advisory Council and will take a keen interest in the Mobile and Security Task Forces. The former group works to understand the business requirements of the secure mobile services ecosystem; ensuring an agreed and workable application management infrastructure is established. The Security Task Force is currently defining the association’s security philosophy and outlining how it will become more active in the security landscape.

Alain Merle, Director of Strategic Security and Defence Programs at CEA-Leti, comments, “We are thrilled to be a part of GlobalPlatform. Involvement with an organization at the forefront of secure chip technology is invaluable to the studies conducted at our ITSEF laboratory. The advanced access to GlobalPlatform documents that membership brings will ensure we stay at the cutting edge of security research.”


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