SIMalliance Announces New Chairman

Commenting on his new position, Hervé said: “It is a privilege to become SIMalliance Chairman at such a significant time for the SE industry. In the past twelve months, there have been many developments which signal strong future growth opportunities for hardware-based security solutions. The most prominent of these include the continued global growth in personal device connectivity and the rapid advance of NFC, which has brought it closer to mass market deployment than ever.

“With NFC mobile payments and multiple other NFC services now up and running in many regions across the world, there is widespread industry recognition – reaffirmed by recent high profile deployments – that the SE plays an essential role in ensuring their security. The increasing likelihood that complementary technologies such as HCE and hardware SEs will co-exist is impelling and while NFC is only one area of focus for SIMalliance, I look forward to the organisation playing an active role in driving this market forward.”

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