COMPRION Joins EMVCo as a Technical Associate

Paying by cell phone is certainly a convenient way of purchasing everyday commodities; however, it is also a sensitive topic as the user’s private banking data are involved. A high degree of reliability of the eployed technology relying on comprehensive testing is the key success factor. Without testing, technology problems might lead to a lack of user acceptance. Therefore, the GSMA TS.27 NFC Handset Test Book demands that handsets to be used for mobile payment have to run through the EMVCo test plan.

As an EMVCo Technical Associate, COMPRION seeks to support the payment standardization process using its expertise in GCF/PTCRB and NFC Forum conformance testing of cell phones. COMPRION contributes by providing input and receiving feedback on detailed technical and operational issues associated with the EMV Specifications. Moreover, the company has the opportunity to interact with EMVCo’s technical working groups. COMPRION can therefore provide reliable test equipment to help chipset and handset vendors to exactly meet MNO requirements.

Swantje Missfeldt, Product Manager at COMPRION, comments: “We are delighted to extend our activities within EMVCo. With the rollout of mobile payment applications, the banking and telecom sectors are merging. COMPRION has experience in both business areas. With the increasing variety of cards, mobile phones and payment terminals in the market, we need to make sure that all components work together. The base for interoperability is conformity with the standards. The role of EMVCo and its Type Approval requirements is of prime importance in the development and implementation of interoperable and secure payment technologies.”

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