Veridos and VFS Global Announce Strategic Partnership

Hans Wolfgang Kunz, CEO, Veridos states: “This is a great opportunity for both companies and will strengthen our value proposition. VFS Global has an extensive global presence and Veridos brings a strong background in the provision of end-to-end solutions, integration and technical support to the partnership. In addition, VFS Global’s expertise in process management and outsourcing perfectly complements Veridos’ identity solution portfolio. Together, we can deliver the complete infrastructure required for large-scale ID projects, including enrolment centers in remote regions.”

Zubin Karkaria, CEO, VFS Global Group adds: “We are delighted to announce this strategic partnership and we look forward to a long and successful business relationship serving our clients in the identity management sector. This partnership will enable us to significantly enhance our identity management solutions portfolio, and offer our client governments world class technology solutions.”

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