MUTO Smart Joins OSPT Alliance

MUTO Smart plans to supply products based on OSPT Alliance’s CIPURSE™ open standard – which offers an advanced foundation for developing highly secure, interoperable and flexible applications. It intends to participate in OSPT Alliance’s Host Card Emulation (HCE) and Mobile Sub-Working Groups, to further its interest in mobile payments and HCE, and to investigate how to leverage CIPURSE in these areas.

“Over the next twelve months we will focus on using CIPURSE to develop file system oriented and JavaCard applications,” says Joon Kim, CEO at MUTO Smart. “Our intention is to become a key supplier of CIPURSE card and secure application module products in Korea, the wider Asia region and the Middle East.”

OSPT Alliance’s Executive Director, Laurent Cremer, concludes: “We have a growing range of members globally and I am delighted at the level of interest we are seeing in Korea for the CIPURSE open standard. The local ecosystem has, within the past ten years, implemented a very successful country-wide, multi-application system and MUTO Smart is no doubt very capable of supporting the evolution of the standard.”


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