G&D commercially delivers AirOn Version 4 for eSIM Management

“We are proud that leading mobile network operators have selected G&D for the worldwide first commercial eSIM management solutions”, said Stefan Auerbach, Group Executive Mobile Security. “The services have been commercially rolled out into more than 100 Point of Sales in Europe. AirOn is a high-performance solution, ready to cope with peak requirements, for example around launches of a new device, when millions of people switch on their new e-book readers, wearables, or tablets and request an operator profile to be installed on these devices.”

The fast growth of connected devices is indisputable changing the way we are living and communicating. Market forecasts indicate that handsets with embedded SIMs will reach several hundred million units globally by 2020. For asian players in the mobile industry, e.g. in the arena of mobile device manufacturing or mobile network operators, in addition to big populations with a strong sense and curiousity on new technical developments, this new connected world will have an immense impact.

This means that devices like smartwatches, tablets and fitness-bands are shipped with an embedded SIM (eUICC) and can immediately get cellular-enabled with network operator profiles e.g. via Bluetooth from a smartphone.

“At MWC Shanghai G&D will present this first commercial rollout of an eSIM Management solution with a smartwatch,” says Carsten Ahrens, Head of the Telecommunication Industries division at G&D. “For the end consumer, it is really fast and simple: The user starts a smartphone app to connect the smartwatch with the smartphone and to request an operator profile to be activated in the embedded SIM of the watch. The profile is securely transferred by the G&D eSIM management service AirOn version 4 through the smartphone to the smartwatch.”

As an answer to the market needs of being capable of managing eSIM enabled devices, G&D operates the eSIM management solution AirOn version 4. This solution has been developed in accordance with the Remote SIM Provisioning specification by the GSM Association (GSMA) to secure a common and interoperable solution, which in turn counteract fragmentation of this young market segment.

eSIMs managed by AirOn open up a large variety of new use cases for consumers and MNOs. They will support the connection of more devices to the network and help boost new flexible tariff schemes. AirOn provides the highest security and scalability with an intuitive and easy to use service engine.


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