Gemalto and Entrust Datacard extend partnership to accelerate IoT security adoption

A recent Gemalto IoT security study found that 90 percent of consumers lack confidence in the security of IoT devices and only half of companies have adopted a „security by design“ approach when building IoT devices. In addition, more than half of consumers are most concerned with a hacker controlling their IoT device or having their data stolen due to the connected object, according to the study. Based on the security risks and growing need for „security by design,“ companies like Gemalto and Entrust Datacard are working together to make securing the IoT as easy and efficient as possible.

The partnership addresses the industry need to simplify the process of building and maintaining security in IoT products and services with an integrated cloud-based solution for identity management and data protection. Customers adopting Entrust Datacard’s IoTrust Security Solution are able to identify IOT devices from the earliest stages of manufacturing throughout the operational lifecycle and secure data within IoT infrastructures. Gemalto’s SafeNet Data Protection On Demand enables enterprises to protect IoT device identities and data with cloud-based Hardware Security Modules and broad range of cloud-based encryption, key brokering and key vaulting services. Organizations can also choose to deploy on-premise versions of both the SafeNet Hardware Security Modules, Key Management and Data Encryption products and Entrust Datacard’s IoTrust Security Solution.

„Organizations are still struggling to incorporate security into IOT initiatives and keep pace with the broader IoT objectives of delivering innovative services and more efficient operations. While we continue to work with the industry to mature best practices and standards, we’ve also incorporated these learnings into our solutions,“ said Josh Jabs, vice president, office of the CTO and GM of IoT solutions for Entrust Datacard. „Extending our long-standing relationship with Gemalto to include IoT made sense as together we make critical elements of IoT security easier to adopt.“

„We are pleased that many security providers are now coming together to integrate solutions and employ security across the entire IoT ecosystem,“ said Todd Moore, senior vice president of Encryption Products at Gemalto. „We’re moving our strong partnership with Entrust Datacard into a new era – securing the IoT, where encryption, cryptography, identity issuance and access management are a full-stack solution and not individual components. This way, security is built-in and no longer an after-thought or a challenge. It becomes invisible and just happens.“

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