Gemalto Mobile Identity solution available

Also available in Software-as-a-Service mode from Gemalto’s Allynis Services, the Mobile ID solution encompasses three feature-offers that address all levels of assurance defined by the GSMA to flexibly comply with the use cases encountered by most online service providers: simple login for consumer and e-merchant websites, strong authentication and transaction validation for enterprises and banks, and legally binding digital signatures for eGovernment applications. With this improved authentication process that is readily available for all levels of security required, online service providers can develop new revenue streams and make significant savings by boosting conversion rates, reducing fraud and streamlining their business structures

Gemalto’s LinqUs Mobile ID features work on any handset via software applications embedded in the SIM card that can be instantly deployed over-the-air throughout a mobile operator’s existing user base, and are further secured via a dedicated authentication server. Mobile network operators can further enhance the infrastructure for their consumer and business clients, by leveraging Gemalto’s Allynis SaaS mode for the fastest possible time-to-market whilst avoiding upfront investment costs. 

“The increasing need for digital identity management is giving operators the opportunity to become ID providers, leveraging their key assets: strength of their brand, existing enterprise business customers, handset qualification process and the ability to reach the highest security levels with the SIMs they supply to all mobile subscribers,” said Tan Teck-Lee, Executive Vice-President Platforms & Services at Gemalto. “Strong mobile authentication exemplifies another compelling use case of the unique security and versatility we offer to our customers by building client-server trust infrastructures easily available to billions of handsets of all generations”.


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