GlobalPlatform Appoints a Full Time Executive Director

GlobalPlatform, the world leader in smart card infrastructure development and deployment, established this permanent position to drive awareness and accelerate adoption of the organization’s technology standards. The Executive Director will be responsible for the coordination and management of the organization’s strategic planning, as well as overseeing all marketing and business development initiatives within key market sectors, namely finance, mobile telecoms, government, transit, retail and healthcare. Mr. Gillick was selected by the GlobalPlatform Board on the basis of his vast experience within the smart card industry. In addition to his previous roles as Chairman for the Smart Card Alliance and Marketing Executive at Datacard Group, he acted as GlobalPlatform’s Marketing Center Chair since 2002. In this new role, Mr. Gillick will focus his efforts on aligning GlobalPlatform with relevant associations and organizations in the smart card industry and related markets, in order to cultivate relationships and collaborate on mutually beneficial activities leading to market growth. Reporting directly to the Board of Directors, Mr. Gillick’s role will be aligned with the organization’s Technical Director, Gil Bernabeu, Technical Advisor for Gemplus’ Financial and Security Services Business Unit, and the three existing technical committees; Card, Device and System. This alignment will strengthen the teams’ ability to move quickly from technical activities being undertaken, to driving the technology into global markets. 

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