Morpho and Elo – partnership for smart card production in Brazil

The Elo chip wafers are shipped directly from silicon manufacturers to Morpho’s production site located in Taubate, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. Morpho handles the highly demanding chip encapsulation process into a module, then securely loads the operating system and Elo payment application. The successful certification of Morpho’s chips based on Elo specifications validates both Morpho state-of-the-art software implementation and full local module manufacturing process.

“We are very happy that Elo chose Morpho’s leading smart card technology expertise to realize this special chip-based application, developed exclusively for their payment cards in Brazil. This order decisively reinforces our strong position in the Brazilian payment market and the entire South American market,” said Marcelo Bellini Garcia, VP Sales Payment of Morpho do Brasil S.A.

For Elo this project marks a very important step as it is the first domestic company to have its smart cards be produced in the country: “The partnership’s goal is to bring important operating earnings for Elo’s members and issuers, aside from contributing significantly to the development of innovative payment technology in Brazil,” said Eduardo Chedid, Elo President.

Morpho has operated in Brazil since 1999, providing leading market solutions for biometrics, digital identity, secure transactions and detection systems. Morpho do Brazil offers a complete solutions portfolio and full service covering micro-electronics, milling, embedding, personalization and fulfillment for the telecom, payment, health and ID markets. The local state-of-the-art production and chip assembly, including the data center in the country, will allow Morpho to supply biometric identification and authentication solutions, e-ID platforms and a capacity to produce more than 100 million cards per year. The local Morpho R&D center will also be able to develop innovative tailor-made solutions based on the identification of local needs.

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