This innovative solution combines Hitachi’s vein imaging technology to detect the pattern of blood vessels under the skin and Morpho’s fingerprint identification technology. It is the only multimodal device capable of capturing and processing together two sets of complementary biometric data for authentication or identification. MorphoSmart™ FINGER VP enables unrivalled levels of security, accuracy and performance; it can be used as a standalone solution or for integration into a vast range of end-user devices (access control terminals, ATM, mobile devices for identity checks and secure payments). “We are honored to receive this Security Innovation Award recognizing our commitment to the development of cutting-edge solutions,” said Jean-Paul Jainsky, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Morpho. “The award confirms our innovative approach to the development of new biometrics applications.”
Der E-Commerce-Umsatz der Top-100-Onlineshops in Deutschland konnte auch im Jahr 2018 ein zweistelliges Umsatzwachstum erzielen und schafft eine Steigerung von 10,2 Prozent auf 33,6 Milliarden Euro. Dies geht aus…