OSPT Alliance Welcomes Prokart as Associate Member

“The transport industry desperately needs a future-proofed solution that can provide advanced functionality and security,” comments Denis Gvozdev, CEO of Prokart. “Our company shares the philosophy of OSPT Alliance that the evolution of fare collection for public transportation is reliant on open standards.

“Our short-term plan is to implement our AFC solution, based on the CIPURSE standard, across all transportation activities in Perm and to expand our presence and services in other adjacent fields. Fundamentally, our key priority is to improve the convenience and efficiency of transactions for public transport operators and passengers, by offering a secure and interoperable AFC solution. We are confident that the CIPURSE open standard will enable us to realize this vision.”

Laurent Cremer, Executive Director, OSPT Alliance adds: “OSPT Alliance is delighted to welcome Prokart as an Associate Member. The company’s experience in implementing an AFC system across such a large populace, combined with its knowledge of the Russian transit market, will provide valuable insight to the alliance. We look forward to supporting Prokart in its efforts to expand the ‘Odin Bilet’ project and achieve even greater success.”



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