Oberthur Technologies is awarded international environmental management system standard

“Oberthur Technologies is committed to delivering quality products and services in an environmentally responsible context” said Nigel Sealey, Director for Global Operations at Oberthur Technologies. “This accomplishment is testament to the dedication of management and staff to reduce our environmental impact, and we continue to undertake new challenges through a series of annual reduction and improvement targets, the findings of which will be monitored and publically reported” added Sealey. The awards support Oberthur Technologies’ wider initiative to develop a sustainable corporate social responsibility roadmap, building upon areas of well established best practice across its sites, and embedding a culture of environmental awareness within all aspects of its business. In 2006, Oberthur Technologies became a signatory to the principles of the UN Global Compact, addressing human rights, labor, anti-corruption and the environment. During 2009, substantially improved recycling practices were seen across the Oberthur Technologies manufacturing network, with the majority of locations recycling in excess of 90 percent of waste material, and the Exton USA site becoming the first to achieve zero waste to landfill. Reductions were also achieved in energy, water and solvent consumption. Targets for 2010 are focussing on the efficient use of energy and striving towards zero waste to landfill. www.oberthur.com 

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