Gemalto Expands Canadian Personalization Facility

Gemalto’s Burlington facility provides EMV payment cards as well as complete data preparation, card personalization and fulfillment services for numerous financial institutions throughout Canada. Drawing on its global EMV migration and consulting experience, Gemalto also provides high-quality consulting for a smooth transition to microprocessor cards. “Moving an entire nation to EMV technology requires strong companies that can respond to and grow with the industry’s ever-changing needs,” said Catherine Johnston, president and CEO ACT Canada. “Gemalto’s Canadian expansion is a clear indicator that they are aligned with market demands and their customers.” “For over five years, Gemalto has been focused on accompanying our Canadian customers in their EMV migration, to ensure the complete success of their project,” said Jack Jania, Vice President and General Manager of Secure Transactions, Gemalto North America. “In this fast-evolving market, Gemalto is focused on enabling its customers to successfully launch innovative products and services like the EMV contactless payment card.”  

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