STMicroelectronics Appoints New Corporate Vice Presidents

Kazerounian, 47, is a well-prepared successor to the position of President of STMicroelectronics, Inc., with twenty years of experience in the electronics industry and industry-wide acclaim for his contribution to the development of non-volatile memory and smartcard technologies. His research and development activities have been recognized with a number of patents and he has authored and co-authored more than 20 technical publications. Having been among the architects of start-up WaferScale Integration’s (WSI) success, Kazerounian became General Manager of ST’s Programmable Systems Division after WSI was acquired in 2000. In 2003, he was appointed Group General Vice President and General Manager of the Smart Card IC Division. Coupling excellent managerial skills with profound industry knowledge and experience, Kazerounian is perfectly qualified to continue the success of ST operations in the North America region. Marco Cassis, currently Vice President Automotive and a Board Member of the Japanese subsidiary, STMicroelectronics K.K., is being promoted to the position of Corporate Vice President of STMicroelectronics Japan, effective October 01, 2005. Cassis’ promotion follows the decision of Tetsuo Onikura, the current Corporate Vice President and President of ST Japan, to resign from the Company for personal reasons, effective September 30, 2005. Taking the baton from Onikura, Marco Cassis (born in Italy, 1963) is a well-established member of ST Japan’s senior executive team, with twelve years of experience in Japan and knowledge of the local business environment. Since his arrival, he has played an important role in expanding ST’s client base in Japan and forging strong partnerships with major Japanese manufacturers, particularly in the automotive sector; these customers are recognized as the world’s most demanding in quality and service. Among his broad list of achievements, Cassis was one of the key architects of ST’s strategic alliance with Pioneer in the late 1990s. 

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