NFC Mobile Payment Solution trial in Singapore

The N-Flex solution functions on SIM cards across multiple mobile handsets hence helping to accelerate the ubiquity of handsets supporting NFC. The solution is also the first-of-its-kind conforming to the Single Wire Protocol (SWP) as endorsed by the GSM Association (GSMA). The NFC trial user will then be able to make payments with their mobile handsets at all merchant outlets that accept the MasterCard PayPass™ or the ez-link card, as well as on public transportation such as buses and trains. The trial will involve a group of participants who will receive an electronic mailer from either StarHub or DBS Bank that contains instructions on how to register their participation online. Trialists will then be required to visit the StarHub Customer Service Centre at One Raffles Place (OUB Centre) or designated StarHub road shows to have the Upteq N-Flex device inserted and mapped onto the SIM cards of their mobile handsets before they can start making payments with their phones. The service is currently scheduled to be launched to the masses in the later part of 2011. 

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