Gemalto Delivers New-Generation Solution for Moroccan Biometric Passport

For citizen data acquisition, Gemalto provides the Ministry of Interior with its Coesys Enrolment solution in cooperation with its Moroccan partner Netopia, a leading integration services company for the public sector. In addition, Gemalto has implemented a skill transfer process for Netopia in order to accompany the project’s start-up. With this program, the Kingdom of Morocco is now the first country outside of the European Union (EU) to issue new-generation biometric passports including Extended Access Control (EAC) in accordance with European specifications. „“This is the first time electronic passports have been issued in the Maghreb Region, and this initiative highlights Morocco’s commitment to establishing itself at the forefront of technological innovation,““ added Jacques Seneca, Executive Vice-President, Gemalto. „“By supplying an end-to-end solution, cooperating with its partner Netopia, Gemalto takes full responsibility for its delivery and implementation, enabling our customers to focus on their core business.““ 

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