Certification and Testing Body CATR Becomes Latest GlobalPlatform Full Member

CATR’s initial focus will be to contribute to the GlobalPlatform Compliance Program in order to work towards becoming a recognized GlobalPlatform testing laboratory. As the association which standardizes the management of applications on secure chip technology, GlobalPlatform seeks to ensure the advancement and maintenance of an interoperable, sustainable and trusted end-to-end environment for managing applications on secure chip technology. The association is achieving this through its established testing infrastructure and qualified test tool providers and laboratories.

As a Full Member, CATR is eligible to participate in GlobalPlatform’s Card, Device and System Committees, engage in its market-led task forces, as well as enjoy organizational and technical voting rights.

Qu Yan, Vice Director of Global Project Management Department at CATR comments: “We are delighted to announce our membership of GlobalPlatform and look forward to sharing our experience of telecommunication technology communications policies and standards with GlobalPlatform. Our mission is to provide test and evaluation services to confirm product security and interoperability. Our participation in the GlobalPlatform Compliance Program will help us to further advance our offering. Membership is already helping us to stay up-to-date with the most advanced secure chip specifications available in the marketplace in order to continue our support for the government and the wider industry.”

“It is great to have CATR onboard,” adds Kevin Gillick, Executive Director of GlobalPlatform. “GlobalPlatform qualified test laboratories and tools are key elements in establishing and maintaining market compliance and interoperability for the future of the secure chip ecosystem. Continued engagement from regional test laboratories in China, and around the world, is representative of the demand for these services and a testament to the benefits of the GlobalPlatform Compliance Program. CATR’s expertise and technical knowledge will benefit our development work and compliance activity.”


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