EMVCo Launches A Guide to EMV Chip Technology

First published in 2011, the guide has been updated to reflect EMVCo’s new branding and imagery, detail the evolution of the technical body and communicate the latest transaction figures, first published in November 2014. The document also provides insight into the latest EMV Chip Specifications and introduces EMVCo’s Next Generation activity.

From an organisation perspective, the document details EMVCo’s collaboration with other industry bodies – including the International Organisation of Standardisation (ISO) and the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) – as well as clarifies the boundaries of responsibility between EMVCo and its payment system member-owners.

The guide will be of particular interest to parties migrating to an EMV chip infrastructure as it provides implementation considerations for issuers, acquirers and merchants, as well as details the responsibilities of EMVCo and its ongoing activity to advance the technology. The document also defines the role of EMVCo and its ongoing efforts to achieve sustainable global interoperability through the delivery of its compliance programmes.

Due to its glossary of terms and overview of the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of EMV chip technology, A Guide to EMV Chip Technology v2.0 is also relevant for the growing number of industry stakeholders that would like to enhance their understanding of EMV chip technology, its market-driven evolution to become a sustainable global payments standard and future advancements within the mobile payment landscape.

The full guide can be downloaded from the EMVCo website.

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