OT completes acquisition of Prodo Telecom

Since its creation in 2001, Prodo Telecom has become a recognized independent technology leader thanks to their solid experience in OTA technologies and their next-generation, modular and light-weight product. Present worldwide, most of Prodo Telecom’s client base are established mobile network operators (MNO) ranging from small-sized to tier-1 groups.

OT is anticipating a growing demand in OTA platforms due to the explosion of the Internet of Things and the large number of 4G migrations MNOs will have to conduct within the next few years. With already more than 50 Prodo’s references worldwide, this acquisition will increase even further OT’s position on the OTA market and allow us to meet customers’ expectations for robust, easy to deploy and to maintain solutions. 

“The environment of our customers is changing constantly, driven by major trends in the Telecom market. Through Prodo Telecom’s acquisition, OT is pursuing its strategy of acquiring companies completing our portfolio of end-to-end solutions and enhancing our global footprint. OT’s ambition is to strongly support mobile operators in their strategy by proposing the best products and solutions meeting their future needs”, said Marek Juda, Managing Director of the Solutions Business Unit at OT.



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