Gemalto receives 2015 Digital Payments Award from Juniper Research

„Juniper was looking for companies who have actively contributed to driving the growth of mobile commerce in the past year and are set to have an impact on the future“, said Dr. Windsor Holden from Juniper Research. „The analysis carried out by our panel of experts found that Gemalto’s Allynis Trusted Services Hub answers the need of issuers to have a single connection for mobile payment services as well as simplifying the enrollment and usability for customers.“ 

„We are honored to receive Juniper’s recognition of Gemalto’s unique vision to build an independent hub for issuers, processors and OEMs to bring secure mobile and online payment services to their entire customer base,“ said Jean-Claude Deturche, Senior Vice President for Mobile Financial Services at Gemalto. „The Gemalto award-winning solution is already helping banks, mobile operators and OEMs to boost adoption of mobile commerce services.“

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