Smart Card Alliance announces New Board

The Smart Card Alliance newly-elected executive committee is made up of the following board members

  • Chair: Brian Russell, Giesecke & Devrient
  • Vice Chair: Jack Jania, Gemalto
  • Treasurer: Brian Stein, CH2M
  • Assistant Treasurer: Kirk Brafford, Deloitte & Touche LLP
  • Secretary: Deborah Baxley, Capgemini Financial Services
  • Assistant Secretary: Oliver Manahan, MasterCard
  • Technology Vice Chair: Frazier Evans, Booz Allen Hamilton

 “The diverse make-up of the Smart Card Alliance leadership team, which includes individuals from government, enterprise, transportation, payments and security markets, gives us the opportunity to address issues and provide educational resources that are directly relevant to our cross-industry membership. I look forward to working with members of the board and the Smart Card Alliance staff on projects that will move the smart card technology industry forward,” said newly elected chair, Brian Russell, Giesecke & Devrient.

Other newly elected or returning members to the Alliance board:

  • Michael Dinning, U.S. Dept. of Transportation/Volpe Center
  • Willy Dommen, Accenture
  • Allen Friedman, Ingenico
  • Bob Gilson, U.S. Department of Defense/Defense Manpower Data Center
  • Simon Hurry, Visa, Inc.
  • Thomas Lockwood, NextGenID
  • Michael Nash, Xerox
  • Thomas Parker, Infineon Technologies
  • Elinor Smith, Discover Financial Services
  • Garfield Smith, Oberthur Technologies
  • Kelly Urban, First Data Corporation

More information regarding the board and the Smart Card Alliance management can be found at



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