Gemalto, Orange, RATP and SNCF join forces to create Wizway Solutions

Wizway Solutions, the world’s first consortium dedicated to contactless mobility, harnesses the expertise of each of its four partners to offer Transport Organising Authorities (TOAs) and transport companies a modern and simple ticketing solution that will facilitate door-to-door travel. Advances in technology and increased use of mobile devices together create an environment conducive to contactless solutions. These solutions are also a major vector for promoting door-to-door mass transit options and paving the way for ever more sustainable mobility.

Using mobile devices that are compatible with NFC technology, passengers will be able to purchase all types of tickets—single fares, railcards and more—anywhere, anytime with their carrier’s or TOA’s app, and store these tickets securely on their SIM card. When travelling, passengers will simply pass their cellphones over readers or terminals, or present them to agents checking tickets. A mobile device will suffice for travel, even if it is out of battery or switched off.

The solution offered by Wizway Solutions incorporates two industry standards: Calypso, a contactless international standard that is widely used in France, and NFC technology for mobile phones. It will be compatible with the various operating systems used by mobile phone manufacturers as well as those of telecoms operators in France and, in the medium term, on international markets.

The four founding members each hold 25% of Wizway Solutions, which remains open to other operators and carriers. The current timeline calls for its products to be made available to TOAs and transport companies in 2016, and to be deployed in the general public in 2017.

To mark the founding of Wizway Solutions, heads of the four founding partners commented

Elisabeth Borne, Chairman and CEO, RATP

„RATP has been promoting innovative ticketing since we launched our first contactless pass, and Wizway Solutions meets our aim of combining sustainable mobility with smart city life through new digital services that facilitate travellers‘ daily commute.“

Guillaume Pepy, Chairman, SNCF Executive Board

„This innovative technology will allow us to develop door-to-door transport and put mass transit solutions – which are more eco-friendly – at the heart of daily life.“

Olivier Piou, CEO, Gemalto

„Wizway Solutions is the first joint venture to create a global eco-system offering passengers innovative contactless mobility solutions. These solutions are based on a shared, open platform that respects and protects each consumer’s personal data.“

Stéphane Richard, Chairman and CEO, Orange

„Consumers can already use their smartphone and NFC technologies for contactless payments via Orange Cash, and soon they will be able to travel everywhere with Wizway Solutions‘ tools.“



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