Imprimerie Nationale joins the Secure Identity Alliance

Established in 2013, the Secure Identity Alliance is dedicated to supporting sustainable worldwide economic growth and prosperity through the development of trusted digital identities and the widespread adoption of secure eServices. The Alliance offers support and expertise to allow government agencies and other public bodies to implement their digital ID projects and realize the wide range of economic, public health, electoral and sustainability opportunities offered by the shift to digital service provision.

„The Board of SIA is pleased to welcome Imprimerie Nationale to the Secure Identity Alliance. This is a company with extensive expertise in the delivery of secure identity documents in France and abroad, and is strongly committed to helping public and private sectors address the challenges posed by today’s digital revolution, „said Frédéric Trojani, President of the Alliance.

“The National Printing Group is pleased to join the Board of Directors of the Secure Identity Alliance. We look forward to contributing to the development of digital identity and e-services across the world, and to respond more specifically to the challenges in emerging countries, „said Didier Trutt , CEO of Groupe Imprimerie Nationale.


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