The NFC Forum and the American Public Transportation Association Sign Collaboration Agreement

The use of NFC for public transit ticketing is growing. Recently, New York State announced a plan to support NFC payments for the 11-million-user Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and the UK Cards Association unveiled a framework to implement contactless payments, including NFC, nationwide on all forms of public transit.

Through the MOU, APTA and the NFC Forum will work on joint programs including training courses, white papers, case study analyses, merchant and transportation customer research, webcasts, and hosted events or trade shows. APTA will work with the NFC Forum Transport Special Interest Group (SIG) to define approaches for utilization of NFC technology to address a range of needs, including supporting passenger information systems, ticketing, and proof of payment fares. APTA will also participate in global workshops led by the Transport SIG with leading standards organizations, including the GSM Association (representing mobile operators), CEN/TC278 (the organization promoting Intelligent Transportation Systems), Smart Ticketing Alliance, and public transportation authorities for the purpose of gathering requirements and harmonizing work across the groups.

„NFC technology has the power to transform public transport and the passenger experience,“ said Koichi Tagawa, NFC Forum Chairman. „NFC will not only streamline fare collection but also make transport operations more seamless, efficient, and responsive. We look forward to working with APTA to bring these benefits to operators and their passengers worldwide.“

„APTA is pleased to partner with the NFC Forum to help integrate NFC technology into public transportation,“ said APTA Chair Valarie J. McCall and board member of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority. „It is through partnerships such as this one with the NFC Forum, that technological innovation is accelerated in our industry.“

Public transportation is a key target market for the NFC Forum. The NFC Forum has been active in promoting the adoption of NFC technology in public transportation, most recently forming an alliance in 2015 with the GSM Association, Smart Ticketing Alliance, and CEN/TC278 to bring about harmonization of specifications with regard to NFC technology for the public transport industry.



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