NXP and Xiaomi Announce Mobile Payment Partnership

It is reported that there are currently 400 million transit cards in circulation in China, and many card holders are expected to transition to more convenient and secure payment solutions, such as mobile payments via smartphones. As a leading technology provider in China’s Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) market since its rollout in the 1990s, NXP has been driving the migration from card to mobile. The Mi5 smartphone has adopted NXP’s industry-leading NFC and secure element solutions, which are optimally designed to address specific transit use cases and ensure a seamless consumer experience using augmented RF performance and security.

“We’re excited to partner with Xiaomi, a true innovator in the mobile and internet space,” said Rick Clemmer, NXP Chief Executive Officer. “Given the rapid expansion of China’s mobile payment market and our strong collaboration with a world-class partner such as Xiaomi, NXP is well positioned to capture the huge potential of this market. We believe our high security standards and the ease of NFC technology coupled with our Xiaomi collaboration will play a fundamental role in advancing smart living in China.”

Mr. Lei Jun, founder, Chairman, and CEO of Xiaomi said, “We’re delighted to adopt the most advanced NFC technology in Mi5, which will offer reliable security and performance to support the city transit system with mobile transaction functionality. Both companies, Xiaomi and NXP, share the vision to drive the development of China’s smart transit systems whilst simultaneously improving user experience.”

China’s mobile transaction market has seen robust growth in recent years. According to PBoC statistics, 4.5 billion mobile transactions worth 18 trillion RMB occurred in Q3 2015, an increase from the previous year of 253% and 194% respectively. As China continues to urbanize over the next decade, the market for smart payment technology in urban transit systems is expected to rapidly increase.



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