Thailand deploys Gemalto’s mobile ID strong authentication and signing solution nationwide

Thailand is a fast growing mobile market in South East Asia, with over 40 million mobile Internet users and nearly 60% of online transactions being conducted via mobiles[3]. But, it is also one of the world’s top target for online banking attacks and Point-of-Sale malware infections[4]. With Gemalto’s solution, the government can now strengthen the country’s digital transformation by enabling diverse services such as online banking, e-commerce, e-government, enterprise logins, and mobile payments, with an unrivaled combination of simplicity, mobility, and security.

„ETDA’s given mandate from the Ministry of ICT is to increase both the volume and value of electronic transactions in Thailand while also paying particular attention to security. So, ETDA has been focusing on the area of electronic authentication with Gemalto. Their multi-purpose solution will provide PKI-based strong authentication and legally-binding signatures directly from users‘ phones, offering a strong security framework and convenience for all,“ said Ms.Surangkana Wayuparb, Executive Director & CEO of ETDA. „With great support for all networks and phone types, citizens with a mobile can now access online services from anywhere. This makes mass adoption easier, and helps us accelerate digital economic growth.“

„The Mobile ID deployment puts Thailand in the same league as other leading nations like Finland, Norway and Iceland in providing such high levels of security for online services,“ said Michael Au, President, South Asia and Japan at Gemalto. „With complete understanding of end-to-end security technologies in different industries, for example, banking, telecom and government, we can help them provide world-class user experience to build a thriving digital economy and society.“


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