Comprion Launches Contactless Testing API for Unlimited Contactless Testing

The Contactless Testing API offers a wide range of analog parameters that are adjustable such as the waveform, load modulation amplitude, frequency, and bitrate. Kamp explicates, “With the Waveform Editor, the user is able to compile analog parameters in a very easy and convenient way. This is important for testing the device behavior according to threshold values.” Above that, Comprion’s well-known Analog Scope and monitoring functionality can be used for analyzing the communication. Analog Scope is an integrated oscilloscope allowing the analysis of the signal flow on the electrical level. It comes with “Quick Measurements” – pre-configured, frequently used measurements. The monitoring software records and analyzes the contactless communication. It helps technology experts to analyze the communication and identify errors. It even offers the opportunity of writing automated monitoring analyzers.

The Contactless Testing API is based on the widespread programming language C#. Thus, there is no need to learn an additional tool-specific language. The API is available for the Comprion testers CLT One and UT³ Platform. Depending on which part of the contactless communication shall be tested (PICC/PCD, poller/listener); Comprion also provides the corresponding antennas.

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