AT&T strengthens IoT offerings with Gemalto

Gartner, the information technology research firm, reports the IoT ecosystem is growing massively, with 6.4 billion objects to be connected in 2016 and 20.8 billion connected by 2020. Gemalto’s GSMA-compliant ODC and eSIM solutions are key enablers for global mobile operators, service providers, and OEMs to accelerate new device onboarding and service rollouts while reducing costs, increasing revenue and security for businesses adopting IoT solutions.

„AT&T is an industry leader in the Internet of Things with more than 30 million connected devices on our network as of the third quarter of 2016. At the same time we are expanding our offering of connected services to include automotive telematics, infotainment, and smart safety solutions,“ said Chris Penrose, President, Internet of Things Solutions, AT&T. „Gemalto’s On-Demand Connectivity and eSIM platform are ideal solutions to help AT&T sustain dynamic growth as we shift from mobile operator to mobility service provider.“

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