Bell ID acquires Ecebs Ltd

Bell ID’s multi-application smart token management software products are used internationally in secure banking and payment, national identity, public transit and other local government and commercial smart technology schemes. Ecebs’ solutions in smart transport ticketing, local government and payment are used extensively throughout the U.K. and are now reaching international markets. It possesses a number of front-end technologies, including the Multefile platform and Paragon Remote Ticket Download that complement Bell ID’s capabilities. Bell ID believes these solutions will significantly enhance its offering to the growing market for smart ticketing/payment using mobile devices, and that it can develop and extend the reach of Ecebs’ capabilities into the other sectors it serves via its partners and trusted service manager (TSM) relationships.

Pat Curran, Bell ID’s Executive Chairman, comments: “We believe Ecebs is a great fit alongside Bell ID. We can provide the right environment to help take their expertise and activities to the next level, while adding critical mass and credibility to Bell ID. We have identified mobile transit ticketing, in particular, as a development priority.”


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