Biometrics and machine learning: the winning combination from Gemalto to increase trust in online banking

Banks are delivering a growing number of digital services. In doing so, they are also subject to more sophisticated cyberattacks. Banks need to distinguish genuine users from potentially fraudulent ones, thereby giving legitimate customers a hassle-free service and blocking unauthorized users. Financial institutions must also comply with the latest banking regulations such as PSD2 or FFIEC.

Gemalto Assurance Hub is based on big data; processing millions of transactions built from thousands of attributes (such as device profiling, location, user behavior, biometric data or keypad style) to analyze behavior in real time and trigger appropriate authentication checks when needed. For example, if someone makes a high-value transfer from an unusual location, then additional biometric authentication will be requested to validate the transaction, such as fingerprint or facial recognition. Users benefit from non-intrusive security within a trusted environment.

„A recent Gemalto study showed that 44% of consumers would leave their bank in the event of a security breach, and 38% would switch to a competitor offering a better service. At the same time, consumers suffer from both unjustified rejection and excessive authentication steps when banking online or on mobile,“ said Bertrand Knopf, Executive Vice President Banking and Payment from Gemalto „The challenge is to minimize and simplify security procedures, without compromising trust in the digital banking domain. This is what the Gemalto Assurance Hub does so easily.“

How is the Gemalto Assurance Hub different from existing banking fraud prevention systems?

The Gemalto Assurance Hub is the only solution that offers banks a single platform which integrates best-in-class fraud detection technologies. It comes with a single policy and fraud intelligence console.

The platform uses a flexible hub approach – it can easily integrate banks‘ existing solutions as well as evolving over time to include the latest fraud protection technology.

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