Card Centric Solutions Joins SIMalliance Membership

With subsidiaries in Singapore, Istanbul and Tunis, Card Centric ships millions of ICs and cards across many continents, including Europe, the Middle East, central Asia, the Americas and Africa. Card Centric has a robust, advanced technology product portfolio, covering SIM cards (2G, 3G, 4G/TE and M2M), eUICCs, SoftSIMs and sticker SIMs. It services many markets through the delivery of OTA application provisioning, health cards, ID and payment cards, among a broader range of products and services.

This latest addition to SIMalliance’s membership reinforces the organisation’s position as the authoritative voice and representative body of the global SE industry. SIMalliance communicated that its members represented approximately 86% of the global SIM card market in 2015; members work collectively through the organisation to promote the development of an open and interoperable SE ecosystem in order to accelerate the deployment of secure mobile services.

As a SIMalliance member, Card Centric Solutions becomes entitled to contribute to the organisation’s technical and marketing outputs, through engagement within the body’s working groups. Membership of SIMalliance is open to SIM card manufacturers globally.

Tolga Kislal, Managing Director of Card Centric, comments: “The SIM card and smart card market is evolving at a rapid pace and at Card Centric we believe the key to innovation and market growth is collaboration. Joining SIMalliance demonstrates our commitment to the development of a secure, interoperable ecosystem for mobile services.  We look forward to being an active contributor to the organisation.” 

SIMalliance members include Card Centric, Eastcompeace, Gemalto, Giesecke & Devrient, Incard, Kona I, Morpho, Oasis Smart SIM, Oberthur Technologies, VALID, Watchdata, Wuhan Tianyu and XH Smartcard (Zhuhai) Co. Ltd.

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