COMPRION launches new 4FF products

The new form factor was recently approved at the 55th ETSI TC SCP meeting in Osaka, Japan. With a size of only 12.3*8.8*0.67mm, the new 4FF card – also called Nano SIM – is 40% smaller than the current Mini-UICC. The new form factor is needed to create more space for additional components in future smartphones.

COMPRION has offered Test (U)SIMs for many years. Handset manufacturers and infrastructure suppliers use them to test their new mobile phones and devices and to ensure their full functionality without having access to a live network.

The new 4FF card is a 128K/J LTE Test (U)SIM with the latest LTE data fields. The test card has three applications – SIM, USIM and ISIM – and supports the three voltage classes 1.8V, 3V and 5V.

The 4FF cards are backwards compatible. By using adaptors they can also operate in devices that use different form factors. As a consequence, COMPRION offers two new adaptors for converting 4FF cards into the 2FF (Plug-In) or into the 3FF (Mini-UICC) format.

COMPRION also offers various 4FF flex adaptors for connecting mobile devices with COMPRION’s test tools.

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