COMPRION Launches New Platform for Card Conformance Testing

Spectro TP is a one-box solution which covers both – contact-based (ISO 7816, SWP/HCI, IC-USB) and contactless (ISO 14443/NFC) communication. The system can be used for executing the regular ETSI, 3GPP, 3GPP2 and GlobalPlatform tests but is also prepared for contactless and dual-interface card testing.

Another exceptional functionality of Spectro TP is the ability to execute test cases in real-time. This is a feature which is demanded by the market for e.g. running extended protocol tests. Moreover, network operators, card and chip manufacturers have the need to implement their own test benches and test plans. This re-quest is met by offering a so-called ‘Test Case API’ allowing the user to set up individual test scenarios by programming the hardware directly.

The quality and conformance of the electrical characteristics of the chips have a vital impact on Smart Card reliability. Spectro TP’s advanced analogue test capabilities allow advanced signal configuration (e.g. for electrical parameters such as rise and fall times) and enable accurate measurement of voltage, current and capacity. To prove and to keep Spectro TP’s high-precision measurement characteristics, the tool comes with a certified calibration sheet and can be re-calibrated on a regular basis.

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