Dai Nippon Printing chooses Gemalto’s biometric facial recognition solution to facilitate mobile banking access in Japan

Gemalto’s 2017 eBanking Trends research found that 68 percent of banks plan to implement facial recognition over the next five years. 80 percent of surveyed consumers perceived biometrics to be more secure than the traditional username and password combination. Biometrics-based payments are expected to grow in Japan in the next few years. Case in point, the Japanese government recently launched a biometrics-based payment scheme catering to travellers and visitors, in a bid to spur inbound tourism.

„In Japan, we have seen more and more consumers accessing financial services through their mobile device. But in the meantime, users are also increasingly concerned about security, said Kunimitsu Sato, Deputy General Manager, Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. By incorporating Gemalto’s facial recognition, the solution can bolster mobile banking security and provide a mobile authentication method customers love and trust. This should dramatically and significantly increase mobile banking usage.“

„We are pleased to continue our partnership with DNP and help them provide more secure mobile banking transactions, said Michael Au, senior vice president, Banking and Payment Asia, Gemalto. Our eBanking Trends research showed that 55 percent of consumers are willing to use biometric security measures for mobile banking, and banks in Japan can gain a competitive edge by adopting biometric authentication.“


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