Dai Nippon Printing selects Gemalto to offer cloud-based authentication

Cyber-attacks are a growing problem in Japan, with nearly 90% of locals worried about the risk[2]. The financial sector is a major target, with cybercriminals stealing up to $1 billion in the past from banks worldwide[3]. As consumer preferences shift towards mobile banking and payments, banks will need to address security with utmost priority. This solution will allow DNP to be a single stop for its customers‘ various digital security needs such as banking and transaction services, online or on mobile devices such as iPhone and Android phones.

Gemalto has been our esteemed partner for a long time, and we trust their expertise in cutting-edge technology,“ said Kunimitsu Sato, General Manager of Information Innovation operations at Dai Nippon Printing, Japan. „This solution offers low cost of ownership to our customers, while giving them the flexibility to choose any authentication scheme or a combination for their diverse base of users. Even small and regional banks can now go to market quickly, with enhanced security.“


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