EMVCo and NFC Forum Announce Collaboration to Optimize NFC Testing Processes

Activity will focus on Level 1 functionality, which covers contactless communication protocol. Initial efforts will center on outlining the scope of work and the specifications to be covered. These efforts will be followed by a gap analysis to identify and examine specification differences, agree on specification updates where necessary, and how agreed amendments will be collectively managed.

Joe Cunningham, current Chair of the EMVCo Executive Committee, comments: „To enable contactless to reach its full potential and facilitate the delivery of secure payment solutions, we need to create an efficient testing and certification framework that allows products to be swiftly brought to market. Alignment between industry bodies is therefore essential to ensure we apply specialist knowledge and a cohesive approach to the creation of this very innovative ecosystem. EMVCo recognizes the importance of our work with the NFC Forum and is committed to progressing activity as a priority.“

Koichi Tagawa, NFC Forum Chairman, adds: „At the NFC Forum, we want to make it fast and affordable for organizations to build and deploy EMV-based NFC solutions. By working closely with EMVCo, we´re able to better support vendors while furthering our commitment to global interoperability.“


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