ENISA appoints Permanent Stakeholders’ Group members

The PSG is established by the ENISA regulation (EU) 526/2013. The PSG group advises the Executive Director on the development of the Agency’s work programme, and on ensuring the communication with the relevant stakeholders on all related issues.

The Executive Director Udo Helmbrecht said: “I am pleased to welcome on board the experts joining our PSG group. All members contribute significantly to the Agency, as their expertise gives us a cross-sector perspective as we work closely together for network and information security and a secure and accessible digital infrastructure. This is vital to an open, safe and secure cyber-space for the economic growth and wealth of the European citizens within the EU digital single market”.

The term of office for the members is 2,5 years commencing from 1stMarch 2015 until 1stSeptember, 2017.

The list of the appointed members is available in the following link: ENISA PSG


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