Entrust Datacard and Gemalto partner to deploy effortless and affordable instant issuance

By coupling Entrust Datacard’s industry-leading instant issuance solution and ease of deployment with Gemalto’s SaaS platform, the barriers of entry are lowered so that financial institutions of any size can profit from the many benefits of a SaaS-based instant issuance solution.

With complete control over card delivery, the wait for a new card – whether for normal issuance cycle or because of loss or theft – is practically eliminated. Instead, banks can now use that gained time to focus on customer relationship, improve engagement and cross-sell additional products and services.

Furthermore, cards instantly issued in the branch have proved to increase activation rates by 82 percent and usage rates by 32 percent. Combined with the cost savings linked to reduced waste and postage, but also to IT overheads thanks to SaaS-based seamless implementation, financial institutions can see an uptick in profit.

Gemalto and Entrust Datacard’s partnership brings together the industry’s widest portfolio of issuance systems and a secure, future-proof, reliable solution to help financial institutions save money, maximize time and build stronger customer relationships.

With this combined solution, Entrust Datacard’s instant issuance printers are installed and set up at the branch. State-of-the-art EMV cards can then be personalized and printed on-demand while the issuance software is hosted by and remotely managed from Gemalto’s secure, cloud-based SaaS infrastructure.

Executive Quotes:
„With both Gemalto and Entrust Datacard’s strong experience in the banking and payment industry, we’ve been able to apply that expertise to bring instant issuance to market. The SaaS aspect really sets the solution apart from others in the field, and financial institutions of all sizes will be able to reap the benefits.“ )Paul Kobos, SVP Banking and Payments, North America, Gemalto)
​“With a SaaS-based instant issuance solution, we are able to not only provide financial institutions with the ability to instantly meet their customer’s needs, but do it in a manner that drives retention, and increases activation and usage rates, all while reducing the overhead expenses to the bank.“ (Karen Kaukol, Vice President of Instant Issuance, Entrust Datacard)

entrustdatacard.com        https://www.gemalto.com

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