Eurosmart: over 7 billion Smart Secure Devices to be shipped in 2012


  • Continuous demand in developing markets
  • M2M technology is expanding the smart security market
  • Deployment of 4G with currently over 50 commercial LTE networks globally, enabling feature rich IP services


  • EMV migration is driving growth in Latin America and China and is confirmed in the US
  • Continued strong growth of dual interface devices (combining both contact & contactless technology), forecasted to representing 25% of 2013 shipments

 Government ID-Healthcare

  • Steady growth in National eID programs
  • Roll-out of several healthcare programs
  • New countries are starting to adopt eDriving licenses


  • Eurosmart expects close to 100mu NFC secure elements to be shipped this year, and twice as many in 2013. Secure NFC devices include NFC enabled UICCs and embedded secure elements and other form factors of NFC enabled secure elements.
  • Major handset manufacturers have started to include NFC in their smart phones
  • MNOs, banks and merchants have started to market secure NFC services
  • Industry alliances and partnerships are rolling-out several projects worldwide

Worldwide Smart Secure Device shipment – 2012 and 2013 forecasts (including contactless)

WWshipments forecast
millions of units

  2013 vs 2012
Telecom 5200 5450 5%
Banking 1260 1480 17%
Government 290 350 21%
Transport 120 140 17%
Pay TV 135 145 7%
Others 90 100 11%
Total 7095 7665 8%








Worldwide Smart Secure Contactless market figures – 2012 and 2013 forecasts

of which contactless
millions of units

    2013 vs 2012
Banking 270 360 33%
Government 150 180 20%
Transport 120 140 17%
Others 60 70 17%
Total 600 750 25%






Source: Eurosmart, November 2012

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