Eurosmart: Providing Trust and Security is Key for a Successful Mobile Lifestyle in 2020

With use cases, info graphics, facts and figures as well as recommendations to decision makers Eurosmart’s Vision 2020 paper illustrates the Smart Security Industry’s fundamental claim that „trust is at the core of successful connections. Trust starts with an assurance that the person or entity you deal with is indeed who they claim to be. In the digital world we can achieve this with strong authentication solutions. By securely storing the credentials used to prove digital identities in a tamper-proof secure element, physically under the sole control of each individual, trustworthy transactions can take place,“ said Rastad. „The Vision 2020 paper presents our proposals on how to better tackle security incidents, fraud and data breaches in the fields of digital identities, payments and connected objects.“

The Smart Security Industry forecasts a growth for the worldwide shipments of secure elements of 9% to 8.8 billion units to be shipped in 2015, with an estimate of 8 billion secure elements shipped in 2014.

“We confirm our 2014 forecast of 5.1 billion SIM cards shipped worldwide in 2014. This is +5% over last year, and even if over 5 billion SIM cards shipped every year is a very big figure, we forecast a single digit yearly increase for next year and beyond. As more and more of our daily activities are managed through our smartphones and tablets, there is a crucial need to ensure the highest security assurance level for connected devices. Due to the wider inclusion of secure elements by OEMs of mobile phones, tablets, navigation devices and other connected devices, a new issuer category has been included in our forecasts, namely Device Manufacturers. When we add these embedded secure elements to NFC enabled SIM cards, we get to an estimated 350 million NFC secure elements issued this year, almost doubling to 600 million units in 2015.”

“For payments, the ramp-up of the US migration, from unsecure magnetic stripe payment cards towards EMV chip cards, is driving the growth in the market, while financial chip card shipments in China will exceed 500 million in 2014. Contactless covers a growing share of shipped cards, with over 40% of payment cards including contactless functionalities”.

Oyvind Rastad also reported a strong growth in the government and healthcare sectors, with over 440 million units to be shipped in 2015: “In all regions of the world, secure and convenient access to electronic government services is becoming possible via eID documents. In 2014, we count over 21 eID national programs in Europe, and four countries have already implemented an eDriving License program. The newly adopted regulation on electronic identification and trust services encourages EU Member States to use certified secure elements to ensure an environment of trust for the electronic identification of their citizens. Europe thus remains a good example towards the digitalization of the public services, and is being followed by major regions of the world, such as Asia, where the needs for secure e-credentials continue to expand”.

“In Europe, the newly appointed European Commission has put the achievement of the digital single market at the top of its priorities and committed to support the private sector in the development of innovative digital services and solutions” said the Eurosmart President. “The Smart Security Industry will continue to provide its expertise in this process and ensure the highest level of security and protection of data by offering products, solutions and services for secure electronic identification, authentication and signature”.

Please find detailed tables here

Please find Eurosmart’s Vision Paper 2020 here


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