Eurosmart welcomes Pretema as a new member

“We welcome Pretema as a new member. The technical know-how of the company and the broad range of applications enabled by their technology will strengthen Eurosmart’s field of expertise, notably in the area of digital trust and security. It is key to understand the needs of the smart security eco-system at every step of production, from stamping, electroplating and plastics technology, tolamination and assembly technology” comments Timothée Mangenot, Eurosmart’s chairman.

Eric Daniel, Sale Manager of Pretema: “Our increasingly connected life requires the highest security. Pretema is fully involved in the development of smart security solutions and contributes to the future of applications operating with a secure element by providing the smart security industry with high level and high quality precision components. We are honoured to join Eurosmart and will do everything in our power to support the association in arriving at even better smart secure solutions.”

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