exceet Card expands banking business with SECORA Pay from Infineon

“SECORA Pay provides us with certified EMV* solutions from a single source,” said Ulrich Reutner, CEO of exceet Card Group AG. “With Infineon’s support we were able to integrate the new technology very quickly into our product portfolio. We can thus meet rising demands concerning security and durability more easily, especially in the growing dual interface market.”

„Customers of Degussa Bank benefit from modern payment cards with dual interface technology,“ said Silke-Christina Kummer, Head of Card Business Advisory & Services at Degussa Bank AG. „We obtain Infineon SECORA Pay solutions from our card supplier exceet: Thanks to the coil-on-module packages, our customers not only receive a high-performance card, but also an extremely robust one.”

Under the new brand SECORA™ Pay, Infineon combines outstanding hardware and software security solutions with the latest EMV applets to flexibly address regional market requirements. SECORA Pay supports a wide range of products and will thus significantly speed up migration from magnetic stripe to EMV-compliant payment cards with the focus on dual interface.

“As the world’s leading provider of security controllers for payment cards, Infineon is teaming up with its partner to help the financial ecosystem taking advantage of state-of-the-art security solutions. Our flexible products offer outstanding performance independent from the used form factor,” said Bjoern Scharfen, Head of Payment & Wearables at Infineon.  “SECORA Pay allows secure and efficient migration to the EMV standard.”

SECORA Pay S is a solution for payment cards that is quick to implement in the EMVCo environment and fully compliant with global standards and specifications. SECORA Pay X additionally supports domestic payment schemes and multi-application. It is also compatible with the CIPURSE™ open standard, enabling interoperable applications such as transport ticketing, access or closed loop payment.

exceet-card-group.com        infineon.com

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