FIDO Alliance Announces 72 Certified Authentication Products

FIDO members, and others, leverage open FIDO standards for Android, Apple, iOS and Touch ID to use FIDO authentication in devices, services and applications instead of passwords. The top 10 smartphone OEMs are represented in the FIDO Alliance or among FIDO Certified products in an emerging, powerful ecosystem that makes it easy to move away from username and password authentication to universal, interoperable FIDO authentication. Newly certified FIDO 1.0 products include FIDO applications, authenticators and servers from DDS, Goodix, Feitian, Hypersecu, LG Electronics, Neowave, Nok Nok Labs, Samsung, Samsung SDS, and Sony.

“The FIDO ecosystem is emerging with an abundance of options that enable easy adoption of strong authentication for Internet providers and services, enterprise and consumers,” said Dustin Ingalls, president of the FIDO Alliance. “In less than three years, the FIDO Alliance has delivered standards and a range of products that make it possible now to see a world that doesn’t rely on passwords, but rather is prepared with more secure, private, and convenient FIDO authentication.”


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